Verifiable Credentials Documentation

Verifiable Credentials Documentation

Verifiable Credentials Playground

The VC Playground enables developers to test Verifiable Credential issuance, verification, and distribution of credentials to digital wallets on and off the Web.

The Credential Handler API (aka CHAPI) is an evented communication system for Web-based issuers, verifiers, and wallets.

The Verifiable Credentials API (aka VC API) is a machine-to-machine API to issue, verify, present, and manage data communicated between parties in a distributed VC system.

Credential Handler API (CHAPI)

The Credential Handler API (CHAPI) allows your digital wallet to receive Verifiable Credentials from an independent third-party issuer - or present Verifiable Credentials to an independent third-party verifier - in a way that establishes trust and preserves privacy.

Too often, users are presented with a fixed set of options for authentication with third-party sites. The CHAPI protocol provides mediation between any CHAPI-enabled Web or mobile application and a third-party site.

How does CHAPI work?

A Credential Handler is an event handler for credential request and storage events. Web app developers can use CHAPI to provide their users with Credential Handlers that run in the browser. These Credential Handlers can respond when users visit other websites that present, request, or store Verifiable Credentials.

Choose a wallet modal presenting all preregistered wallet systems which can be clicked on to proceed to store the credentials there.

Enable Browser-based Credential Exchange

Checkout the examples and developer docs...

for VC Issuers for Digital Wallets for VC Verifiers

Join the Verifiable Credential Playground

Interested in making your Verifier/Issuer/Wallet available for experimentation? See the Integration Guide and FAQ for the Verifiable Credential Playground.

VC Playground FAQ

CHAPI and Verifiable Credentials are the result of open collaboration through the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). You can find more information and join the discussion at the W3C Credentials Community Group.

Read more about the open standards that power CHAPI.