Verifiable Credentials Documentation

CHAPI for Native Wallet


  • Example Code: the chapi-demo-wallet contains a full example implementation and is referenced throughout this guide.
  • Polyfill Library: The credential-handler-polyfill library provides the needed CredentialHandler API within the browser.
  • Helper Library: The web-credential-handler library provides helper functions for CHAPI integration in your code.

Native Wallet Registration

All Wallets need to be registered with the browser as a Credential Handler in order to store or retrieve Verifiable Credentials (VCs) on the Web.

To enable a native mobile wallet to receive VCs via CHAPI, your application will need to be configured to receive deep links from the mobile OS.

Deep links, also known as app links, cause a user's Web browser to open a native application and pass any URL to it when particular links are followed. This enables the user's Web browser to open a native mobile wallet from the CHAPI wallet selection menu and pass the CHAPI request to it. See appropriate deep link documentation for Android or iOS.

Consequently, you will be required by the mobile OS to host the appropriate operating system specific files on a Web server.

In addition, to enable CHAPI registration, your Web server will also need to host a manifest.json file as well as a registration page that allows the user to register your wallet with CHAPI within their mobile Web browser.

1. Add a credential_handler to the server's manifest.json

In order to register as a Credential Handler, your registration page's server must serve a manifest.json file from its root path (/manifest.json). This endpoint must be CORS-enabled which can be done by adding the Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * header to responses for that URL.

Now, add the following credential_handler object with the appropriate acceptedProtocols your wallet can handle:

  "credential_handler": {
    "url": "/switchboard",
    "enabledTypes": ["VerifiablePresentation"],
    "acceptedInput": "url",
    "acceptedProtocols": [

The url property must be the entry point for your mobile wallet so it must be a deep link that will open the application. Details about the event that initiates the opening of this URL will be relayed via query parameters appended to it.

The "acceptedInput": "url" line tells CHAPI that the wallet should receive data via opening the URL and providing query parameters rather than browser sent events typically used with Web wallets.

2. Allow your users to register their wallet as a Credential Handler with the browser polyfill

To register with CHAPI, your user must trigger the registration of your wallet as a Credential Handler within their browser. This must be initiated by user interaction, so you cannot automatically register without the user clicking or tapping a button or link.

We will load two libraries into the Wallet code to enable the registration:

You can add these libraries via <script> tags and watch a click event to trigger the CHAPI registration and handler installation:

<button id="installHandlerButton">Register Wallet</button>

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

  document.getElementById('installHandlerButton').addEventListener('click', async function() {
    try {
      await credentialHandlerPolyfill.loadOnce();
      await WebCredentialHandler.installHandler();
      console.log('Handler Installed Successfully!');
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error installing handler: ' + error.message);

Your mobile application should include a link to your registration page. That link should open the device's default browser and allow them to register the wallet as a Credential Handler.

Once done, your Wallet should now be enabled to handle various credential related requests from across the Web.

Verifiable Credential Storage

Now that your native wallet has been registered with CHAPI, it can receive requests to store credentials at the URL stated in the credential_handler.url of the manifest.json above.

CHAPI will use the endpoint declared (/switchboard in the example above) when it provides links to available wallets in the user's browser:

Choose a wallet modal presenting all preregistered wallet systems which can be clicked on to proceed to store the credentials there.

The user will click the provided link to select your wallet from the list. That link will contain a request query parameter with a URL encoded JSON object containing the following properties:

  • credentialRequestOrigin: This will tell the wallet where the request originated
  • protocols: This will include any available credential exchange protocols (for issuance and/or presentation). The wallet may retrieve the credential for storage from any of the available protocols.

Here is an example URL showing the request query parameter and its URL encoded value:

The request value is URL encoded. Its contents look like this when unencoded:

  "credentialRequestOrigin": "",
  "protocols": {
    "vcapi": "",
    "OID4VCI": "openid-credential-offer://?"

There are currently two possible protocols that Issuers may use with CHAPI in order to issue Verifiable Credentials to be stored in the user's digital wallet: vcapi and OID4VCI.

Depending on what you declared in your acceptedProtocols you may receive either or both as properties in the protocols object carried in the request query parameter. Your wallet's code (i.e. in /switchboard) should decide which protocol to use (or it may delegate this choice to advanced users) when multiple protocols are available.


The vcapi property will contain a URL the wallet can use to retrieve the issued credential(s).

To store one or more credentials via VC-API, the wallet first sends a POST request to the URL (extracted from protocols.vcapi above) with an empty JSON object ({}) in the body of the request to attempt to download the VC to be stored.

POST /exchangers/z1A1GqykGBWKbwhFCDqFjMfnG/exchanges/z19mxa763DAKX7diL51kBFecZ
Content-Type: application/json


The response to that request will be an object that may have a verifiablePresentation object and / or a verifiablePresentationRequest object. If a verifiablePresentation object is present, it will contain any verifiable credentials that were issued. If a verifiablePresentationRequest object is present, then there are further steps required in the exchange such as DID Auth. The verifiablePresentationRequest object will describe what is required to continue the exchange. When no verifiablePresentationRequest object is present, the exchange is complete.

Below is a partial example response:

  "verifiablePresentation": {
    "@context": [
    "type": ["VerifiablePresentation"],
    "holder": "did:example:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21",
    "verifiableCredential": [{
      "@context": [
      "id": "",
      "type": [

More complete examples can be found in the Example Exchanges section of the VC-API Specification.


The OID4VCI property will be a URL that includes all of the required information to complete the issuance of the Verifiable Credential using the OID4VCI protocol.

Example OID4VCI protocol URL:


The credential_offer query parameter will be URL decoded resulting in a JSON object containing the following details:

  "credential_issuer": "",
  "credentials": [
      "format": "ldp_vc",
      "credential_definition": {
        "@context": ["", ""],
        "type": ["VerifiableCredential","OpenBadgeCredential"]
  "grants": {
    "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:pre-authorized_code": {
      "pre-authorized_code": "0065a8a0-069b-46f1-a857-4e1ce5047afd"

See the OID4VCI Specification for more details on this protocol.

Verifiable Credential Presentation

Browser side verification flows will open the CHAPI wallet selector in the user's browser. If they select a native wallet, the URL will at the Wallet's pre-registered domain. The app link setup done earlier will cause the URL to open in the user's wallet (rather than the default browser).

Based on our example above, the URL would look similar to this one:

Depending on the protocols supported, the value of the request query parameter will contain one or more encoded JSON objects with the applicable details needed for using that protocol.

Below is a step-by-step sequence diagram of what's taking place:

  # User visits a Verifier's website and interacts with it to trigger a verification

  participant site as Verifier Site
  participant chapi as User's Browser / CHAPI
  participant app as Native Wallet App
  participant exchanger as VC-API Exchanger

  site ->> exchanger: 1. creates an exchange within a workflow
  exchanger ->> site: 2. JSON response contains the exchange URL/ID
  site ->> chapi: 3. triggers CHAPI `get()` request w/blank `VerifiablePresentation` object + `protocols.vcapi` containing URL
  chapi ->> app: 4. offers app URL (w/`?request=`) to open app
  app ->> exchanger: 5. uses VC-API  URL from `?request=` to send VPR
  exchanger ->> app: 6. returns VPR to wallet
  app ->> exchanger: 7. responds with VP
  exchanger ->> app: 9. sends success response to wallet
  loop poll exchange status
    site ->> exchanger: exchange complete?
    exchanger ->> site: ...wait for it...


The vcapi property within the object parsed above will contain a URL the wallet can use to handle that request.

To respond with zero or more credentials via a VC-API exchanger, the wallet MUST first send a POST request to the URL (extracted from protocols.vcapi above) with an empty JSON object ({}) in the body of the request to attempt to get a Verifiable Presentation Request with the details about what the verifier wants.

POST /exchangers/z1A1GqykGBWKbwhFCDqFjMfnG/exchanges/z19mxa763DAKX7diL51kBFecZ
Content-Type: application/json


The response to that request will be a verifiablePresentationRequest object. The verifiablePresentationRequest object will describe what is required to continue the exchange.

Below is an example verifiablePresentationRequest containing a QueryByExample query:

  "verifiablePresentationRequest": {
    "query": [
        "type": "QueryByExample",
        "credentialQuery": {
          "reason": "Please present your Verifiable Credential to complete the verification process.",
          "example": {
            "@context": [
            "type": [

The wallet should fulfill the request by sending another POST request to the same exchange URL with a verifiablePresentation containing the user selected credentials:

  "verifiablePresentation": {
    "@context": [
    "type": ["VerifiablePresentation"],
    "holder": "did:example:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21",
    "verifiableCredential": [{
      "@context": [
      "id": "",
      "type": [

When no verifiablePresentationRequest object is present, the exchange is complete.

More complete examples can be found in the Example Exchanges section of the VC-API Specification.